Order Action – MintedSeed
Order Action Information
Greetings and welcome to MINTEDSEED. We first termed and named our content Order Action in order to draw a line between price action and Order Action, through the revelation of our Order Series.
Trade FOREX the correct way through our Order Series. Learn Order Action from the original creator and founder.
Here’s what you’ll get in Order Action
- Archive notes
- Roadmap
- Section 1 – Winter
- Section 2 – Spring
- Section 3 – Summer
- Section 4 – Autumn
If price action is your best method to read price, then order actions is the best method to read the orders within price.
​It is a forex technical analysis method design and written by MINTEDSEED with it’s core based on orders & liquidity, thus it not only supersedes price action but replaces it altogether. The goal of the project is to create a Single standard to define technical, sentiment, and fundamental analysis into one form of trading. Many have tried but failed to achieve this goal because technical order flow is the only way to determine it. This in itself makes “your stop-loss, our entry. Our entry, your stop-loss“. Finally, there are no more imaginary structures, zones, or so-called price action patterns.
Order Action & price action differences. The difference between price action and trading what isn’t there is very simple. Price action involves trading what you see and reading the prices. Once you have mastered this, you can manipulate the market. Order action is about looking for liquidity and interpreting the orders hidden within the price. Similar to price action traders, we don’t use indicators, but, we know how most traders are in denial that they are being manipulated.
Indicators and even price action is a joke to us. ​You see, the price action you know about is merely to identify movement and direction, but not the sniper entries that we introduce in Section 4. There are traders who still believe that perfect entries don’t exist. These traders are called sniper entries. Sniper entries refers to a draw-down so low that sometimes, the spread is literally the stop-loss. So there is less psychology talk about how you got to tank your positions and placing trust in trades that you can’t rectify.
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Salepage: Order Action – MintedSeed