Business Breakthrough Academy Information
It’s time to build the right business the right way! Let’s make sure it gives you the life you want…
This transformational program takes you through what you need to design and build a business that will give you freedom and peace of mind. This is how businesses are meant to be built to create community, support society and live your dreams.
Here’s what you’ll learn
Module 1: Foundation
baseline to where you are
- Income Leverage Мар
- Transition Syntax
Module 2: Design
create a compelling future
- Finishline Blueprint
- Role Modeling Formula
- Vision Flow Navigator
- GPS Advantage
Module 3: Model
create the optimal create distinction & biz model for high cash flow & freedom
- Business Model Canvas
Module 4: Marketing
create distinction & make competition irrelevant
- Customer Profile Builder
- Strategy Canvas
- Opportunity Matrix
- DOS Product Story Builder
Module 5: Scale
remove yourself and get your time back
- Protection Bucketing Advantage
- Role Functionality Chart
Module 6: Manage
measure & manage how you’re doing
- PRIME Indicators Cheatsheet
- Language of Business Cheatsheet
Module 7: Commit
next steps to your future
- Entrepreneurial Commitment Contract
- DTW File Cabinet
About Author
Mel is obsessed with helping people live meaningful, fruitful and impactful lives. As a business owner & entrepreneur himself he knows what to do in businesses to have more profit, fans and freedom. His principles help customers become raving fans and your life full with fulfillment from a business that is congruent with your values, in alignment with your higher vision and connected to all stakeholders at an emotional level.
Mel began his entrepreneurial journey at age 11 performing magic shows for parties. It was this early taste of entrepreneurship that spurred him on to look at how to create a life on his own terms through entrepreneurship. Fueled by his education and background as a CPA, Mel spent most of his early career obsessing about understanding what drives business success but more importantly how to create a life by design through entrepreneurship and business.
Mel learned how to build a business from nothing after a partnership breakup left him with no clients, no cash flow, no work backlog and almost half a million dollars in debt. It was during this time where Mel rebuilt his business and life that he got what he calls his “greatest business lesson from a 6-year old boy”. That same year was when Mel became a single full-time dad of his 6-year old son.
Shortly, after that his son gave Mel the vision of how his son saw him by drawing a picture of him. It was this picture that woke Mel up to the realization that it isn’t about “business for business sake but business for life sake” and that it is more important to get the meaning of business right before focusing on the mechanics of business.
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